Monday, February 6, 2012

Entry 4 - What perception was formed after reading a newspaper article!

Initially this article was one that caught my attention, being a female driver myself and a great one i naturally gravitated towards this article.  What was someone saying about us now? We can never seem to please anyone with our driving yet statistics have proven we are the most safe drivers on the road.  However, on reading the article i quickly realized that this person was not attacking people like me but was concerned for the direction in which the People's Partnership is heading. An interesting look at a female's position on female driving.  On can only stop to think for a moment, is the female doing all the driving or is it the same as the driving test with the officer on the passenger's side with the brake at their feet quietly being in charge.  

The writer seems to be very upset with the Prime Minister's ability to lead but is it because she is a woman that all these problems are being highlighted? Many questions to consider, but the President of the USA is a man and yet nothing Mr. Obama seems to do for his people meets their approval as well.  It is evident that there is no right way to do anything, with critics on both sides how is it easy for someone, either a Woman or a Black Man to take reigns over a country, can a woman who is naturally a multitask-er be the one to blame for what some may think is the slow death of a country, shouldn't we as a people stop hating and start appreciating.


Beware of female drivers

Is the People's Partnership failing because it is led by a female? Is the very female in charge the arbiter of her own defeat?
Why is it that the core UNC (United National Congress) supporters are crying with disappointment? What can be done to prevent the sitting Opposition overturning what was supposedly a death blow, political trouncing?
All of the above questions can be answered by the membership of the Partnership. To the viewing public, it would appear that the ungluing of the coalition was inevitable, once the decision was made to dismantle the ideas and aspirations of the defeated PNM (People's National Movement).
With no original planning or trained replacement staffers, the Partnership has opened a political vein that is gushing the blood of defeat, even as we speak.
They say "the first cut is the deepest". The Partnership has willy-nilly removed all the props that defined effective public and personal security at a time when they could least afford it. The badly advised State of Emergency was the final self-inflicted stab in the back of the economy.
But who are the advisers? On a daily basis, they unmask themselves as fully trained and, indeed, degreed persons of less than mediocre competencies. Eminently successful in one life and gasping for self-preservation in this new political incarnation. So it is alleged.
It is said if you have to go to hell, go in a chariot, don't walk. The individual members of the Partnership are having difficulty in deciding whether to travel there in a Porsche, a helicopter or a very small two-seater plane. Beware of female drivers...Lynette Joseph...via e-mail Trinidad Express

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